Monday 16 July 2012

Race for Life, Cancer Research

This weekend my sister and I took part in the Race for Life in Regent's Park, London.

Before the race.
The challenge to run 5 kilometres was something we took on a few months ago. We both decided that we needed to up our fitness and what better way than to set ourselves a future goal.

For those of you currently residing in England, we weren't surprised waking up to dreary weather on Saturday morning. But despite the rainy weather, little Anabelle still managed to enjoy an ice lolly and cheer us on at the final stretch!

We both completed the race in under half an hour - 26 minutes and 29 minutes!

I would like to thank everyone who has sponsored us so far! We have almost reached out target - so if anyone is feeling generous please dig deep and donate the smallest amount to great cause: please donate here.

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