Tuesday 31 July 2012


In celebration of my friend's birthday, 10 of her close friends were invited to a performance of Cantina.  As a quick background, Cantina is an incredible circus like no other. Held at London Wonderground under the Southbank bridge the brilliant live music, acrobatics, dance and magic tricks will blow you away.

We were lucky enough to be seated in one of the private boxes on the edge of the tent; we had a brilliant view!

Now I wouldn't like to ruin the performance for everyone but let's say it feels like you are taken back in time, into another world...

Here is a little taster of what you will see:

I highly recommend you to go and see this show. You will be on the edge of your seat, gasping and if a little nervous, covering your eyes too! BOOK TICKETS NOW - £20 a seat.

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