Monday 15 April 2013

Sunday Sessions @ The Ship

Finally, we have some sun!! And what better way to celebrate than getting a group of friends together and embracing some daytime drinking at The Ship in Wandsworth.

Conveniently located along the rivers south bank, this pub is a hotspot for boozing on sunny days.

Without a doubt you will bump into at least one person you know, be it from your hometown, work or school. These kind of reunions can either be awesome or kind of awkward - it's never ideal bumping into an old flame if it ended badly, if you know what I mean.

If it's a real scorcher...prepare for the waiting game! Queues for the bar can become a bit of a pain, so I advise you to buy in bulk or sweet talk someone infront of you to share the same order. It's all about the socialising at The Ship, so don't be shy.

Follow The Ship: @ShipWandsworth

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