Thursday 7 June 2012

There's A First Time For Everything

I'm Annabel, a Business and Marketing graduate from Cardiff University, originally from the seaside town of Bournemouth and currently living in London.

Why am I starting a blog? Why not! I am too lazy to keep a diary and now with everything becoming about social media, I thought I should at least attempt to keep up with the ever-expanding digital world.

Inspiration came to me from my favourite female ginge - Miss Stephanie Mitchell. She has documented some brilliant stories from our travels back in early 2011: Stephanie's Footprints. And if you are a foodie at heart, check out her latest Latino Food Journal: Machu Kitchen.

As a newbie to 'The Big Smoke', my intentions are to blog about the wonders of London. I am totally new to blogging so I cannot tell you what to expect....wish me luck and ENJOY!

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